Monday, 7 December 2009

GGOA Player Of The Year - Vote Now!

With the trifling but unpleasant business of the league season now done and dusted, it's time for Squirrels fans to look back on the highlights of 2009 and vote for their Omiya Ardija Player of the Year. All you have to do is cast your eyes over to the right-hand panel of this page and make your selection from the following candidates, drummed up by GGOA staffers Agent Orange and Furtho:

1. Koji Ezumi: "Generally a solid year for Ezumi... Overall, ... it would surprise me if Ardija fans weren't happy to see him back between the sticks in 2010."

2. Naoki Ishihara: "The most tireless worker on the squad. The guy gets hammered every game and still puts out a decent ninety minutes. I'd like to see him finish better, but it's been a really good debut season."

3. Shin Kanazawa: "... has done a great job this year. His job ... is to be a destroyer or a disruptor and he has done the job well. He's leading the league in tackles, he's the only one on the team that applies pressure defense and he gets the ball to creative players in a timely fashion."

4. Mato Neretljak: "No need to state this case. Twelve goals scored in all competitions and a rock in the middle."

5. Rafael: "Where would this team be without him right now? Sixteenth, that's where."

6. Nobody.



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